Meaning of CGPA and How to calculate it, In every colleges and schools, mostly the higher institution. The use of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is necessary. It is use to measure and calculate the academic performance of a student using grades like: A (Excellent), B (very good), C (Good or satisfactory), D (pass but less than satisfaction) and F ( fail). The CGPA is just a method institutions and colleagues use rate the performance of their students, and it is very important for all students to know and understand how it is calculated.
Full Meaning Of CGPA
CGPA fully means Cumulative Grade Point Average and is it calculated base of individual students performed, the university has a total of 5 CGPA while the polytechnics and colleges has a total of 4 CGPA.
Different between GPA Vs CGPA
GPA fully means is grade point average of all courses taken in a semester, While CGPA is the total grade point average of all courses that you have taken to date and are counted towards your total credit load
HOW TO CALCULATE CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)
Very institution and collages have it own unique way of calculating CGPA, some schools rate over 5, 4.5 and 4. Depending on their suite. But the most common way of calculating it is ; Add the percentages of individual semesters, divide by the total number of semesters, and then divide the result by 9.5, the final answer will be your CPGA.
Example : Example: Let’s calculate your CGPA for the first year. Assuming your GPA in the first semester was 2.69 and your GPA in the second semester is 3.30 Then add the two together which is 5.99, divide 5.99 GPA by the number of semesters (2). Therefore, your CGPA for your first year in uni is 2.99.
It is very easy to calculate but Frist of all understand how the school you are attending or aspiring for do their grading.
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